
Outdated Plug-ins for Mac

Older plug-ins that has been replaced by functionality available in other plug-ins.

Older version of JW Pattern, for OS X versions earlier than 10.7.

The last beta version of JW Change prior to v1.00. Only intended for users that doesn't run OSX 10.7 or later.

JW Explode Layers, v1.06

(Please note: This plug-in is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in.)

Splits chords in layer 1 into layered voices. Articulations and note-attached smart shapes are copied to the other layers. The plug-in will not touch staves where layer 2-4 aren't empty or if there are chords with more than 4 notes in the staff.

JW Chord Manager 1.06

(Please note: This plug-in is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in.)

For Finale 2010 and later versions. A collection of tools to process the notes in a chord, from one single user interface. The window is modeless, so it can be on the screen while you work in the document. It contains the following functions:

  • Add Third - Adds a (diatonic) third interval to the chord.
  • Add Octave - Adds an octave interval to the chord.
  • Add Reverse Octave - Adds an octave interval to the chord in the reverse direction.
  • Delete Octaves - Removes any octave doubling.
  • Delete Outer Note - Deletes the edge note of the chord.
  • Delete Unisons - Makes sure there's just one note of each pitch.
  • Drop 2nd - Transposes the 2nd highest note in a 4-note block chord one octave down.
  • Drop 3rd - Transposes the 3rd highest note in a 4-note block chord one octave down.
  • Drop 4th - Transposes the bottom note in a 4-note block chord one octave down.
  • Drop 2nd and 4th - Transposes both the 2nd hightest and the bottom note in a 4-note block chord one octave down.
  • Keep Lines - Removes all notes from a chord, except the top and bottom note.
  • Keep Specific Line - Removes all notes from a chord, except the top/bottom note.
  • Rotate - Rotates the chord up or down (by moving the top/bottom note in the chord down/up). Only affects chords less than an octave.
  • Transpose Octave - Transposes the edge note one octave. Single notes are not transposed.
  • Transpose Octave (Chord) - Transposes the full chord one octave. Single notes are not transposed.

Please note that this plug-in contains functionality found is some smaller special-purpose plug-ins (such as JW Keep Line, JW Rotate Chord, JW Drop 2nds). If you don't want the duplicate functionality, there's no need to keep the older plug-in(s).


JW Merge Layers, v1.06

(Please note: This plug-in is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in.)

Merges layers with identical rhythms into one layer within the selected region. (For a rhythm to be considered identical, rests must also appear at the same spots.) Currently only works on fully selected measures.

JW Quick Explode, v1.03

(Please note: This plug-in is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in.)

For Finale 2010 and later versions. The plug-in explodes quick and fast directly to the staves, using the mode and direction indicated. Slurs, articulations, dynamics, hairpins, etc follows with the explosion. Ideal for splitting chord passages into multiple instruments. Mark one staff with the chords to explode. Version 1.03 includes an extended set of options, with "Single Notes as Unisons" and "Simplify Adjacent Notes".


The available modes are:

  • One note line per staff
  • Pairs (can also be used for splitting 3 instruments to 2 staves)
  • Split pairs (1+3/2+4), the standard French Horn setup
  • Wide/Close pairs (1+4/2+3)

The available directions are:

  • Down (probably the most used option)
  • Up
  • Down, but keep the original staff
  • Up, but keep the original staff


JW Change Dynamics, v1.04

Note: This plug-in has been replaced by functionality in JW Change.

Automatically changes the dynamics in the selected region to louder or softer dynamics. For Finale 2010 and later. Supports expressions in Maestro, Maestro Wide, EngraverFontSet, Broadway Copyist, Jazz.

There's a YouTube demo of the plug-in at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNWP0xsMrrU

JW Drop 2nds, v1.00
Transposes the 2nd highest note in a 4-note block chord one octave down. Useful for example for jazz wind section writing. Now replaced by "JW Chord Manager".
JW Rotate Chord 1.00

Rotates the chord in the selected region up or down (by moving the top/bottom note in the chord down/up). Useful for example to turn a passage of sixths into a passage of thirds. The plug-in will retain all note-attached information, such as articulations and slurs. For Finale 2010 and later. Now replaced by "JW Chord Manager".

A YouTube video where the plug-in is used can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcUd27qySRo
JW Expand Region, v1.00
Expands the current region selection to the next or previous double/final barline. Finale 2010 or later.
JW Keep Line, v1.01
Removes all notes from a chord line in the selected region, except the top or bottom note. Useful (for example) for composers/arrangers, who need to extract the melody or bass line quickly. Now replaced by "JW Chord Manager".
JW AlphaNotes, v1.02

Note: This plug-in has been replaced by functionality in JW Change. Recent versions of Finale also includes a plug-in with similar functionality.

Applies the Finale AlphaNotes font to a region and changes the noteheads to the note name (including the state of the accidental). Includes a normal mode and a "Northern European mode" (H instead of B natural, B instead of B flat). No need for any specific document setup, the noteheads are changed through the "Special Tools" notehead modifications. Finale 2011 and later. (Version 1.01 fixes the problems with flats.)

A YouTube demo movie of the plug-in in action is also available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cDWOrKWc8M

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