Finale PDK Framework  0.54
Public Member Functions | List of all members
FCStaff Class Reference

The class for a staff in the score. It is also a base class for staff styles. More...

#include <ff_other.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCStaff:
__FCStaffBase __FCNoInciOther __FCOther __FCBaseData __FCBase FCCurrentStaffSpec

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * ClassName ()
 Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class. More...
virtual const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID GetClassID ()
 Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects. More...
 FCStaff ()
 The constructor. More...
virtual bool Save ()
 Overloaded version of the Save method, that saves any attached objects.
FCInstrumentPlaybackDataCreateInstrumentPlaybackData ()
 Creates a FCInstrumentPlaybackData object for the staff. More...
FCFretInstrumentDefCreateFretInstrumentDef ()
 Creates a FCFretInstrumentDef object for the connected tablature instrument. Might return NULL if there is no connected fret instrument. More...
int CalcPercussionLayoutID ()
 Calculates the percussion layout ID for the staff or staff style. More...
FCStaffNamePositionGetFullNamePosition ()
 Gets the name position object for the full staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. More...
FCStaffNamePositionGetAbbreviatedNamePosition ()
 Gets the name position object for the abbreviated staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class. More...
FCPercussionStaffCreatePercussionStaff ()
 Creates a percussion staff (or staff style) object, if the staff is set to percussion. More...
bool SavePercussionLayout (int layoutID, int mapID)
 Sets up and saves a percussion staff. The supplied percussion layout ID will be used. Please note that the FCStaff object must be saved afterwards as well. More...
FCInstrumentDefCreateLayerInstrumentDef (int layer)
 Creates the instrument definition object for the staff or staff style. More...
virtual void DebugDump ()
 Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCStaffBase
bool GetIgnoreKeySig () const
 Returns true if "Ignore Key Signature" is set for the staff. More...
bool GetIndependentTimeSig () const
 Returns true if independent time signatures is set for the staff. More...
bool GetIndependentKeySig () const
 Returns true if independent key sigs is set for the staff. More...
bool GetShowMeasureNumbers () const
 Returns true if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowKeySignatures () const
 Returns true if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowTimeSignatures () const
 Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowScoreTimeSignatures () const
 Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. More...
bool GetShowPartTimeSignatures () const
 Returns true if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. More...
bool GetShowClefs () const
 Returns true if clefs should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowChords () const
 Returns true if chords should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowBarlines () const
 Returns true if barlines should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowTextRepeats () const
 Returns true if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowRepeats () const
 Returns true if repeats should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowScoreStaffNames () const
 Returns true if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetBreakBarlines () const
 Returns the "Break barlines between staves" state. More...
bool GetBreakRepeatBarlines () const
 Returns the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. More...
bool GetShowAugmentationDots () const
 Returns true if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetIndependentFont () const
 Returns if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. More...
bool GetShowNoteColors () const
 Returns if the staff should display note colors. More...
bool GetShowNoteShapes () const
 Returns if the staff should display note colors. More...
twobyte GetHalfRestPosition () const
 Returns the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
twobyte GetOtherRestPosition () const
 Returns the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
twobyte GetWholeRestPosition () const
 Returns the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
twobyte GetDoubleWholeRestPosition () const
 Returns the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup dialog box". More...
twobyte GetStemReversalPosition () const
 Returns the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
bool GetShowTopRepeatDot () const
 Returns if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
bool GetShowBottomRepeatDot () const
 Returns if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
twobyte GetTopRepeatDotPosition () const
 Returns the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
twobyte GetBottomRepeatDotPosition () const
 Returns the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
bool GetTransposeChromatic () const
 Returns the chromatic transposition status for the staff. More...
bool GetTransposeUseClef () const
 Returns the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. More...
bool GetShowLyrics () const
 Returns true if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowRests () const
 Returns true if rests should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowPartStaffNames () const
 Returns true if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowStems () const
 Returns true if stems should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetShowTies () const
 Returns true if ties should be displayed for the staff. More...
bool GetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes () const
 Returns true if notes in the non-alternate layers should be displayed. More...
bool GetTransposeSimplifyKey () const
 Returns the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. More...
bool GetDisplayEmptyRests () const
 Returns the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. More...
bool GetFlatBeams () const
 Returns the "Flat beams" state. More...
bool GetShowTuplets () const
 For tablature notation: returns if tuplets should show or not. More...
bool GetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef () const
 For tablature notation: returns if the clef should show only on the first measure. More...
bool GetFretLetters () const
 For tablature notation: returns if fret letters should be used. More...
bool GetBreakTablatureLines () const
 For tablature notation: returns if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. More...
bool GetShowFretboards () const
 Returns true if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. More...
STAFFNOTATION_STYLE GetNotationStyle () const
 Returns the notation style for the staff. More...
bool GetAllowHiding () const
 Returns the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". More...
twobyte GetTransposeInterval () const
 Returns the transposition interval. More...
bool GetShowStaffLines () const
 Returns true if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. More...
twobyte GetLineCount () const
 Returns the number of staff lines for the staff. More...
Efix32 GetLineSpacing () const
 Returns the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXes. More...
__FCStaffBase::ALTERNATE_STAFF GetAltNotationStyle ()
 Returns the alternate notation style for the staff. More...
twobyte GetAltNotationLayer () const
 Returns the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. More...
bool GetAltShowArticulations () const
 Returns if articulations should be diplayed on the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowLyrics () const
 Returns if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowSmartShapes () const
 Returns if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowExpression () const
 Returns if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowOtherNotes () const
 Returns if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowOtherArticulations () const
 Returns if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowOtherLyrics () const
 Returns if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowOtherSmartShapes () const
 Returns if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltShowOtherExpressions () const
 Returns if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
bool GetAltRhythmStemsUp () const
 Returns if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. More...
bool GetAltSlashDots () const
 Returns if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. More...
twobyte GetTransposeClefIndex () const
 Returns the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. More...
twobyte GetDefaultClef () const
 Returns the start/default clef. More...
STAFF_HIDEMODES GetHideMode () const
 Returns how the staff should be hidden. More...
bool GetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals () const
 Returns the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. More...
bool GetNoKeySigShowAccidentals () const
 Returns the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. More...
CMPER GetAbbreviatedNameID ()
 Returns the text block ID for the abbreviated name. Usually not needed, use CreateAbbreviatedNameString or CreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString instead. More...
CMPER GetFullNameID ()
 Returns the text block ID for the full name. Usually not needed, use CreateFullNameString or CreateTrimmedFullNameString instead. More...
twobyte GetCapoPosition () const
 For tablature notation: returns the capo position. More...
twobyte GetLowestFret () const
 For tablature notation, returns the default lowest fret number. More...
Efix32 GetVerticalFretOffset () const
 For tablature notation: returns the vertical offset for fret numbers. More...
CMPER GetFretInstrumentDefID () const
 Returns the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). Use the FCFretInstrumentDef class to load the instrument data. More...
Evpu16 GetBottomBarlineOffset () const
 Returns the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. More...
Evpu16 GetTopBarlineOffset () const
 Returns the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. More...
const char * GetInstrumentUUID () const
 Returns the assigned instrument UUID for the staff. More...
void SetIgnoreKeySig (bool state)
 Sets the "Ignore Key Signature" state for the staff. More...
void SetIndependentTimeSig (bool state)
 Sets the independent time sigs state for the staff. More...
void SetShowMeasureNumbers (bool value)
 Sets if measure numbers should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowKeySignatures (bool value)
 Sets if the key signature should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowTimeSignatures (bool value)
 Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in both score and parts. More...
void SetShowScoreTimeSignatures (bool value)
 Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in the score. More...
void SetShowPartTimeSignatures (bool value)
 Sets if the time signature should be displayed for the staff in parts. This does nothing on Finale versions earlier than Finale 2025. More...
void SetShowClefs (bool value)
 Sets if clefs should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowChords (bool value)
 Sets if chords should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowBarlines (bool value)
 Sets if barlines should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowTextRepeats (bool value)
 Sets if endings and text repeats should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowRepeats (bool value)
 Sets if repeats should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowScoreStaffNames (bool value)
 Sets if score staff names should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetBreakBarlines (bool state)
 Sets the "Break barlines between staves" state. More...
void SetBreakRepeatBarlines (bool state)
 Sets the "Break repeat barlines between staves" state. More...
void SetShowAugmentationDots (bool value)
 Sets if augmentation dots should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetIndependentFont (bool state)
 Sets if a independent notehead font should be used for the staff. More...
void SetShowNoteColors (bool state)
 Sets if the staff should display note colors. More...
void SetShowNoteShapes (bool state)
 Sets if the staff should display note colors. More...
void SetHalfRestPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the vertical position for the half rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetOtherRestPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the vertical position for the "other" rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetWholeRestPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the vertical position for the whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetDoubleWholeRestPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the vertical position for the double whole rests. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetStemReversalPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the stem reversal position offset for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetShowTopRepeatDot (bool state)
 Sets if the top repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetShowBottomRepeatDot (bool state)
 Sets if the bottom repeat dot should be displayed for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetTopRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the top repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetBottomRepeatDotPosition (twobyte position)
 Sets the bottom repeat dot position for the staff. This setting is located in the "Staff Setup" dialog box. More...
void SetTransposeChromatic (bool state)
 Sets the chromatic transposition status for the staff. More...
void SetTransposeUseClef (bool state)
 Sets the "Set to clef" state in the transposition dialog. More...
void SetShowFretboards (bool value)
 Sets if fretboards should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowLyrics (bool value)
 Sets if lyrics should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowRests (bool value)
 Sets if rests should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowPartStaffNames (bool value)
 Sets if part staff names should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowStems (bool value)
 Sets if stems should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetShowTies (bool state)
 Sets if ties should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetAltNotationDisplayOtherLayerNotes (bool state)
 Sets if the non-alternate layers should be displayed or not. More...
void SetTransposeSimplifyKey (bool state)
 Sets the state of the "Simplify Key Sig" in the transposition dialog box. More...
void SetDisplayEmptyRests (bool state)
 Sets the "Display Rests in empty measures" state. More...
void SetFlatBeams (bool state)
 Sets the "Flat beams" state. More...
void SetShowTuplets (bool state)
 For tablature notation: sets if tuplets should show or not. More...
void SetShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef (bool state)
 For tablature notation: sets if the clef should show only on the first measure. More...
void SetFretLetters (bool state)
 For tablature notation: sets if sets letters should be used. More...
void SetBreakTablatureLines (bool state)
 For tablature notation: sets if tablature lines should break at fret numbers. More...
void SetNotationStyle (STAFFNOTATION_STYLE value)
 Sets the notation style for the staff. More...
void SetIndependentKeySig (bool state)
 Sets the state of independent key sigs for the staff. More...
void SetAllowHiding (bool state)
 Sets the "Allow hiding when empty" state. If set, the staff allows "optimization". More...
twobyte GetTransposeAlteration () const
 Returns the transposition key alteration. More...
void SetTransposeAlteration (twobyte value)
 Sets the transposition key alteration when transposition is used. More...
void SetTransposeInterval (twobyte value)
 Sets the transposition interval. More...
void SetShowStaffLines (bool value)
 Sets if staff lines should be displayed for the staff. More...
void SetLineCount (twobyte value)
 Sets the number of staff lines. Please note that it's usually more efficient to call the 'Make' methods that fills all the necessary values, such as MakeStandard5LineStaff(). More...
void SetLineSpacing (Efix32 distance)
 Sets the distance between the staff lines, in EFIXs. More...
void SetAltNotationStyle (ALTERNATE_STAFF value)
 Sets the alternate notation style for the staff or staff style. More...
void SetAltNotationLayer (int value)
 Sets the 1-based layer that is used for the alternate notation. More...
void SetAltShowArticulations (bool state)
 Sets if articulations should be diplayed on the alternate layer. More...
void SetAltShowLyrics (bool state)
 Sets if lyrics should be diplayed on the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowSmartShapes (bool state)
 Sets if smart shapes should be diplayed n the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowExpression (bool state)
 Sets if expressions should be diplayed on the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowOtherNotes (bool state)
 Sets if notes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowOtherArticulations (bool state)
 Sets if articulations should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowOtherLyrics (bool state)
 Sets if lyrics should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowOtherSmartShapes (bool state)
 Sets if smart shapes should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
void SetAltShowOtherExpressions (bool state)
 Sets if expressions should be displayed on layers other than the altered layer. More...
void SetAltRhythmStemsUp (bool state)
 Sets if stems should be freezes up in rhythmic notation (for altered layers). This setting is only used with rhythmic notation. More...
void SetAltSlashDots (bool state)
 Sets if dots should be added to slashes in compound meters (for altered layers). This setting is only used with slash notation. More...
void SetHideMode (STAFF_HIDEMODES value)
 Sets how the staff should be hidden. More...
void SetTransposeClefIndex (twobyte clefindex)
 Sets the clef state in the transposition dialog. This value is valid only of GetTransposeUseClef returns true. More...
void SetDefaultClef (twobyte clefindex)
 Sets the start/default clef. More...
void SetRedisplayOtherLayerAccidentals (bool state)
 Sets the "Redisplay accidentals in other layers within measures" state. More...
void SetNoKeySigShowAccidentals (bool state)
 Sets the "Hide key signature & show all accidentals" state, available in the Finale 2014 Score Manager. More...
void SetLowestFret (twobyte value)
 For tablature notation, set the default lowest fret number. More...
void SetCapoPosition (twobyte value)
 For tablature notation: sets the capo position. More...
void SetVerticalFretOffset (Efix32 value)
 For tablature notation: sets the vertical offset for fret numbers. More...
void SetFretInstrumentDefID (CMPER newid)
 Sets the ID for the tablature instrument (for tablature notation). More...
void SetBottomBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance)
 Sets the bottom barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends downwards. More...
void SetTopBarlineOffset (Evpu16 distance)
 Sets the top barline offset, in EVPUs. This parameter controls how far the barlines extends upwards. More...
void SetInstrumentUUID (const char *pszUUID)
 Sets a predefined UUID for the staff. More...
void MakeNormalNotation ()
 Transforms a staff to "normal" (not TAB and not percussion). More...
bool IsPercussion ()
 Returns true if the staff is a percussion staff. More...
bool IsTablature ()
 Returns true if the staff is a tablature staff. More...
bool IsNormalNotation ()
 Returns true if the staff is using "normal" music notation (not percussion and not TAB notation). More...
bool GetTranspose () const
 Returns the transposition status of the staff. More...
bool SaveFullNameString (FCString *pString)
 Saves the full string. A full name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. More...
bool SaveAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString)
 Saves the abbreviated string. A abbreviated name text block ID must exist for the staff, otherwise this method will return false. More...
bool SaveNewFullNameString (FCString *pString)
 Saves the full string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. More...
bool SaveNewAbbreviatedNameString (FCString *pString)
 Saves the abbreviated string as a new staff name block. The staff object must be saved afterwards, for the settings to take effect. More...
void MakeStandard5LineStaff ()
 Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a standard 5-line staff. More...
void Make1LineFullBarlineStaff ()
 Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with full-length barlines. More...
void Make1LineShortBarlineStaff ()
 Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a 1-line staff with short-length barlines. More...
void Make0LineFullBarlineStaff ()
 Fills the necessary values in the Staff Setup dialog to make a staff without staff lines with full-length barlines. More...
FCStringCreateFullNameString ()
 Creates a FCString object of the full staff name (including the Enigma text tags). More...
FCStringCreateAbbreviatedNameString ()
 Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name (including the Enigma text tags). More...
FCStringCreateDisplayFullNameString ()
 Creates a staff name for display purposes. More...
FCStringCreateTrimmedFullNameString ()
 Creates a string object of the full staff name without any font information. More...
FCStringCreateTrimmedAbbreviatedNameString ()
 Creates a string object of the abbreviated staff name without any font information. More...
bool InstrumentMatchesUUID (const char *pszUUID)
 Returns true if the UUID string matches the instrument UUID for the staff. More...
bool HasInstrumentAssigned ()
 Returns true if there is an instrument assigned to the staff. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCNoInciOther
 __FCNoInciOther ()
 The constructor.
virtual bool Load (CMPER itemno)
 Loads the indicated item. More...
virtual bool Reload ()
 Overridden Reload() method to support complex data types.
virtual bool SaveAs (CMPER itemno)
 Saves the data under another item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. More...
virtual bool DeepSaveAs (CMPER itemno)
 Saves the data under another item number, but also makes a deep copy of the object. More...
virtual bool DeepDeleteData ()
 Deletes the data and all related data available in other data structures. More...
virtual bool SaveNew ()
 Creates the data as completely new item number. The object will now be connected to the new item number. More...
virtual CMPER GetItemNo () const
 Returns the item number. This typically points to items such as a page number, a measure number, a 1-based expression definition number, etc. More...
void SetItemNo (CMPER cmper)
 Sets the item number. Use with extreme care! This is mostly intended for situations when creating new records isn't supported by Finale (preventing SaveAs to work). More...
virtual bool LoadFirst ()
 Loads the first element of 1-based data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCOther
void SetCmperAndInci (CMPER cmper, twobyte inci)
 Sets both the CMPER and the incident number in the dataID record. Mainly for internal use.
 __FCOther ()
 The constructor.
bool IsIdenticalRecord (__FCOther *pCompare)
 Compares an object to see if both objects point to the same data record. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID GetConnectedDocID () const
 Returns the document ID that was connected to the last load/save of the data. More...
bool VerifyConnectedDocID ()
 Checks that the stored document ID for the data object matches the current document's ID. More...
virtual EXTAG Tag ()=0
 The Enigma tag for the derived class. More...
virtual EVERSION EnigmaVersion ()
 The Enigma version for save/load/create/delete operations. More...
virtual int DataSizeLoad ()=0
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be loaded. More...
virtual int DataSizeSave ()
 Returns the data size for the data structure that should be saved or created. More...
void _CloneFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
 For internal use only. Copies object data (except data block) from another object. More...
virtual void CloneMemoryFrom (__FCBaseData *pSource)
const EDataID * _GetDataID ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
int _GetLoadedSize () const
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
const void * GetDataBlock ()
 Intended ONLY for the _CloneFrom implementation. More...
EXTAG GetCustomTag ()
 Returns the custom Enigma tag, if any. More...
void SetCustomTag (EXTAG tag)
 Sets the custom Enigma tag, for classes that support multiple Enigma tags. More...
 __FCBaseData ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCBaseData ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual bool DeleteData ()
 Deletes the associated data from Finale's database. Be careful when deleting multiple objects. More...
virtual bool LoadLast ()
 Loads the very last element in the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadNext ()
 Loads the next element from the database, if any. More...
virtual bool LoadPrevious ()
 Loads the previous element in the database, if any. More...
__FCBaseDataCreateClone ()
 Creates an identical copy of an object. More...
virtual void DebugDataDump ()
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes. More...
virtual void DebugDataByteArrayDump ()
 Outputs a memory dump of the data block in the object for debugging purposes, as a C++ byte array. More...
void DebugDataOffsetDump (int offset, int size)
 For debug mode only. Dumps a data memory block at a specific offset and with a specific size.
FCNumbersCreateRawDataDump ()
 Creates a byte collection with the raw loaded data block for the object (if the object type supports single data blocks). This method is only intended for debug purposes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
 __FCBase ()
 The constructor.
virtual ~__FCBase ()
 Virtual destructor, so all inherited classes get the virtual destructor. More...
void DebugMsgDigit (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (as a hexadecimal number) appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsgString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes. The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
void DebugMsg (const char *pszMsg)
 Creates a simple Message Box for debug purposes with just one text string. More...
void DebugOutMenuInfo (FCUI *pUI, int menuixd_horiz, int menuixd_vert) const
 Outputs the menu command info for debugging purposes. More...
int DebugOutFormat (const char *fmt,...)
 Outputs debug text using C style "printf" syntax. More...
void Set16BitFlag (FLAG_16 *flag, FLAG_16 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 16 bit flag in the data block. More...
void Set32BitFlag (FLAG_32 *flag, FLAG_32 flagbits, bool state)
 Sets a 32 bit flag in the data block. More...
bool GetBitFlag (FLAG_32 flag, FLAG_32 flagbits) const
 Gets a state from flag bits. Returns true if any bit in the mask is set. More...
void SetUserData (void *pData)
 Sets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void SetUserData2 (void *pData)
 Sets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Gets the user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
void * GetUserData2 () const
 Gets the additional user data attached to the instance of an object. More...
virtual bool IsIdentical (__FCBase *pCompareObject)
 Returns true if the data in the passed object is considered to be identical to the current object, otherwise false. More...
void StoreXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file. More...
void StoreXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper function to store FCString objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int value)
 Helper function to store integer objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool value)
 Helper function to store boolean objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
void StoreXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float value)
 Helper function to store floating point objects in the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual void StoreToXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to store an object's data. More...
bool ReadXML_String (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Integer (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_Bool (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode, const char *pszElementName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file. More...
bool ReadXML_StringAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, FCString *pStringValue)
 Helper method to read FCString objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_IntegerAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, int *pValue)
 Helper method to read integer objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_BoolAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, bool *pValue)
 Helper method to read boolean objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
bool ReadXML_FloatAttribute (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNode, const char *pszAttributeName, float *pValue)
 Helper method to read floating point objects from the XML file, as an attribute to a node. More...
virtual bool ReadFromXML (tinyxml2::XMLElement *pParentNode)
 Virtual method that is used to read object data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from __FCStaffBase
 Styles for the FCStaff::GetNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More...
 Alternate staff notation styles for FCStaff::GetAltNotationStyle() and FCStaff::SetAltNotationStyle() methods. The constants are also used for the similar FCStaffStyleDef methods. More...
 The different hide modes for FCStaff::GetHideMode() and FCStaff::SetHideMode(). More...
- Public Types inherited from __FCBase
 Constants for the GetClassID method. More...
 Constants for Finale's standard measurement units. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from __FCBase
static void DebugOutPtr (const char *pszPrefixText, void *ptr)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The prefix text appears with the extra ptr (in hexadeximal representation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutDigit (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in decimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutFloat (const char *pszPrefixText, float f)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra float value appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutTag (const char *pszPrefixText, EXTAG extag)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the EXTAG (in text) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutHex (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in hexadecimal presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBin (const char *pszPrefixText, int i)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The text appears with the extra digit (in binary presentation) appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, const char *thestring)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (C string version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutString (const char *pszPrefixText, FCString *pString)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes (FCString version). The text appears with the extra string appearing afterwards. More...
static void DebugOutBool (const char *pszPrefixText, bool state)
 Static method that outputs a line for debugging purposes. The boolean state appears afterwards as either "TRUE" or "FALSE". More...
static void DebugOutBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOutByteArrayBlock (const void *pBuffer, int startoffset, int size)
 Static method that outputs a memory block for debugging purposes. Eight bytes per line will appear (as hex digits) as a C++ onebyte array, until the whole memory block is dumped. More...
static void DebugOut (const char *pszLine)
 Static method to output a line of text for debugging purposes. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from __FCStaffBase
static const char * FFUUID_BLANKSTAFF = "54422b22-4627-4100-abbf-064eedc15fe3"
static const char * FFUUID_GRANDSTAFF = "24b4c18d-6f6a-461c-983f-e0b0c3abcdbc"
static const char * FFUUID_UNKNOWN = "a925648a-abc9-4dc7-a619-a6ce355ad33c"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLIN = "29d81c10-dfed-42e4-8d93-64af7d6d5689"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLA = "992dcb2b-64a2-454b-b043-2a530d24fc18"
static const char * FFUUID_CELLO = "33894688-c326-4f8f-b4e2-7a08745e7bcc"
static const char * FFUUID_DOUBLEBASS = "4924f736-97a2-443d-b386-03de2ae6a848"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLINSECTION = "5bab3582-2dbd-4864-baa9-b022efd075ad"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLASECTION = "5a55eca7-40f5-454b-b920-c8879fa03bcc"
static const char * FFUUID_CELLOSECTION = "255c105e-78a1-4c78-8755-8febc86d0f43"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOSECTION = "df0e2c08-adcf-4095-a3c1-dd355216bedd"
static const char * FFUUID_DOUBLEBASSSECTION = "08a26335-79bc-4d10-a879-7f9d752c199a"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRABASSSECTION = "639064b2-b067-4c4a-a114-392c1ef6ebd8"
static const char * FFUUID_STRINGENSEMBLE = "d73cf404-a025-4395-a7d1-10d10e8e3b4c"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLADAMORE = "7e264095-22f9-4cea-98ce-cfde9f1588b6"
static const char * FFUUID_AJAENG = "4da5baf0-a6c8-4993-83d7-882bbb2adbb9"
static const char * FFUUID_ARPEGGIONE = "cec73493-406a-4100-9d9f-7706940a39f0"
static const char * FFUUID_BARYTON = "73eff966-03ff-4c38-b71a-f48fdfe47312"
static const char * FFUUID_BYZANTINELYRA = "f240ab3f-8799-4834-a265-2f6b6abc8f4c"
static const char * FFUUID_CRETANLYRA = "b0c43bb0-eae5-410f-ba40-cf33d63994f1"
static const char * FFUUID_CRWTH = "e40c329a-cc79-4477-a314-0786731390b3"
static const char * FFUUID_DAHU = "562a0d3f-0073-44e5-a4f1-430935a72f7e"
static const char * FFUUID_DANGAO = "d07f465c-0d1a-4eef-884e-feb414088078"
static const char * FFUUID_DIHU = "9102cdc2-13f9-4818-ba25-34226bd2d893"
static const char * FFUUID_ERHU = "df24de8e-08c8-4c1b-8f20-8673ce15009d"
static const char * FFUUID_ERXIAN = "8fd59c9c-f49d-4f05-b8db-dba34d1bf462"
static const char * FFUUID_FIDDLE = "00fb6661-7b4a-411e-8ec6-7f6c15d9f3b3"
static const char * FFUUID_GAOHU = "06d74eb0-5dd8-46ac-b1f9-dfdb5e1b1857"
static const char * FFUUID_GEHU = "ced43fa4-9b0c-4413-be51-290a8e7b70d6"
static const char * FFUUID_HAEGEUM = "2c6d5aaa-04f6-4536-9564-40eb62ef9f1e"
static const char * FFUUID_HARDANGERFIDDLE = "c0666be0-a127-465c-9608-76cbdeb5e902"
static const char * FFUUID_HURDYGURDY = "06a9413e-9739-4635-b968-bafedcb11db6"
static const char * FFUUID_IGIL = "99b31179-d930-48ef-b59b-de49a5630156"
static const char * FFUUID_KAMANCHA = "50d11032-113c-4799-a473-e40db1161e8f"
static const char * FFUUID_KOKYU = "89102882-aa4f-46aa-abed-255d279b679e"
static const char * FFUUID_KORA = "78e799d1-9c1f-42fc-86d3-0a518050ec81"
static const char * FFUUID_LARUAN = "517fac0f-760c-4cdb-aae8-8a29625db520"
static const char * FFUUID_LEIQIN = "eacec010-a733-439e-ab56-5ed48f16aa31"
static const char * FFUUID_LIRONE = "1092088e-ba6b-4147-883d-a39b2f4b0d9a"
static const char * FFUUID_MORINKHUUR = "32ec0199-96ef-49a5-ad89-fb180f7a3a2a"
static const char * FFUUID_NYCKELHARPA = "77bc62ef-8724-4ffd-83af-4fcfcbb65b12"
static const char * FFUUID_OCTOBASS = "22b93602-f5a2-4aa3-a581-99dc3ac3aac6"
static const char * FFUUID_REBAB = "ba835d76-ee03-4d68-92cf-37c47aa774e4"
static const char * FFUUID_REBEC = "252f3cc6-4cc4-4b31-ba9d-4b0f1a7a729a"
static const char * FFUUID_SARANGI = "37021f3f-2acd-4c00-b2e0-71bb0f07ae7e"
static const char * FFUUID_SARANGIDRONE = "341ba385-fda1-473b-afa9-8bfd0d576f7f"
static const char * FFUUID_STROHVIOLIN = "013f1005-058e-4270-97b6-89fe25d11979"
static const char * FFUUID_TROMBAMARINA = "71822c45-e84e-44ce-8031-46092e74dc5e"
static const char * FFUUID_VIELLE = "7b07fc24-0b7a-484a-a1bf-abaab3d97411"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOL = "6fed40b7-1524-429b-8560-bb3f08209a99"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLADAGAMBA = "37fad7f4-b52f-4af5-b75a-ab214d9e3a5a"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLINOPICCOLO = "ae4668c7-0766-4dfd-92c3-cd16a487ff83"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLONCELLOPICCOLO = "121fb3dd-37d9-4fd0-bbaf-8074ba143f03"
static const char * FFUUID_VIOLOTTA = "baad2449-f875-4360-9585-b7f3d8ceed1c"
static const char * FFUUID_ZHONGHU = "08e9eb3f-42d8-4e64-8b51-1b30afcb76dc"
static const char * FFUUID_PIANO = "776a2734-3f38-4cac-8fa2-90e62b368ec1"
static const char * FFUUID_PIANONONAME = "38cd3cd9-3160-4baa-9bfd-c2d9f353dafd"
static const char * FFUUID_HARPSICHORD = "5f34a4c0-b181-4d6d-8475-725374517ac5"
static const char * FFUUID_ORGAN = "723972d2-a005-492a-b92c-2cb1a6b3f21d"
static const char * FFUUID_ORGAN2STAFF = "ab39d5e6-a742-4af3-a0a6-269422e21ec3"
static const char * FFUUID_CELESTA = "2827e1dc-72a3-4228-87fb-c0daee5ca2ad"
static const char * FFUUID_ACCORDION = "58734c17-246e-4e83-8975-9a0d55577d16"
static const char * FFUUID_MELODICA = "a41f4a27-6e41-47f1-973f-2c7fc66b3e68"
static const char * FFUUID_ELECTRICPIANO = "4b54f9c4-35e3-41f8-9a17-a8797df0f057"
static const char * FFUUID_CLAVINET = "ba97d794-3171-49e6-ac1b-af4b29ee61b8"
static const char * FFUUID_SYNTHPAD = "962083d1-baf2-4904-a6f2-5c7e8f91de66"
static const char * FFUUID_SYNTHLEAD = "de90a22f-c65d-4e20-8aff-9f4bcbf2ae4f"
static const char * FFUUID_SYNTHBRASS = "e15cdc19-cb49-4f00-8ee4-7555af7c7759"
static const char * FFUUID_SYNTHSOUNDTRACK = "55248216-3918-474d-b5e4-3349f253392d"
static const char * FFUUID_SOUNDFX = "654cb42c-6127-4c60-bdb9-6b2accf66f22"
static const char * FFUUID_HARMONIUM = "f3caf816-7be6-48e0-8067-07202cdb9b49"
static const char * FFUUID_ONDESMARTENOT = "8fae711b-6eb2-4e99-9216-9248a25a4d3c"
static const char * FFUUID_THEREMIN = "39515883-5827-44f6-bc14-99e5a4976237"
static const char * FFUUID_VIRGINAL = "88eb2453-6649-4f3f-b98c-af2226bb4099"
static const char * FFUUID_CLAVICHORD = "9322d689-68bc-4699-b77e-d370340830d7"
static const char * FFUUID_SOPRANOVOICE = "b35a14d8-c981-4b8a-a7e4-9a2f8f6be99a"
static const char * FFUUID_ALTOVOICE = "ab3fc62c-9de9-4018-adf7-58a9d4441a1a"
static const char * FFUUID_TENORVOICE = "03844f81-9f10-431d-813c-659d7533b794"
static const char * FFUUID_BARITONEVOICE = "6637f6a3-8f69-4dbf-9654-2287933ee7d3"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSVOICE = "e9a8eb68-25a0-4c9b-81a1-6e0517ca15be"
static const char * FFUUID_VOCALS = "a253b03e-dc1e-43e3-a252-534c618fe473"
static const char * FFUUID_VOICE = "3a3622cc-fc9a-42e0-a743-6b200dd8ce88"
static const char * FFUUID_VOICENONAME = "07639481-d9a4-4c3a-b754-f454002bb742"
static const char * FFUUID_MEZZOSOPRANOVOICE = "9b62dc60-4b05-41e1-9b4d-d8b7d19553d0"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRALTOVOICE = "aba0e110-478a-4c69-b8be-908c280d64b2"
static const char * FFUUID_COUNTERTENORVOICE = "e61680e6-4a19-48bd-a0d7-f0f1373c8be2"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSBAROTONEVOICE = "e453be0a-d0fc-44b3-8b0a-5c4a95157d44"
static const char * FFUUID_CHOIRAAHS = "cc4e753f-85b9-43c6-b462-a5ec36a01167"
static const char * FFUUID_CHOIROOHS = "28426f8d-3f42-448b-913d-3ee37dc1c871"
static const char * FFUUID_YODEL = "d7373ec2-d4ad-4ce8-84e7-ae9c5f216db6"
static const char * FFUUID_BEATBOX = "ac62ce27-0e7a-4f23-849c-fe3dee395910"
static const char * FFUUID_KAZOO = "c79f9662-44d7-442f-b5e6-a8b0085e92f4"
static const char * FFUUID_TALKBOX = "465cb9eb-e1a3-4573-8572-7cc1096075db"
static const char * FFUUID_VOCALPERCUSSION = "c4843056-dd9e-45b2-a3af-eca60fdb97ab"
static const char * FFUUID_PICCOLO = "7423e6af-ab6f-41a4-832f-ffc6453c6bb5"
static const char * FFUUID_FLUTE = "2575136d-9927-47bd-a727-f554c169257e"
static const char * FFUUID_ALTOFLUTE = "71d2b8ec-becd-42ef-b99f-ee9264db925d"
static const char * FFUUID_OBOE = "172a455a-d1b9-4a03-aa80-c863d587f209"
static const char * FFUUID_OBOEDAMORE = "b70397fa-18ef-4841-8ccb-d5a9602e457d"
static const char * FFUUID_ENGLISHHORN = "e4fc7b0a-5cd3-445b-ae1f-776764513741"
static const char * FFUUID_CLARINETBFLAT = "a16af0c1-8df8-476d-8d74-0d6e1972846b"
static const char * FFUUID_CLARINETA = "9d3e28eb-0640-41f7-9144-0fdef3046d7c"
static const char * FFUUID_CLARINETEFLAT = "7e83467b-162e-4f30-b4a6-18a6d8beb202"
static const char * FFUUID_ALTOCLARINET = "6c186f89-5f5d-45ea-ab13-26e4bf267d80"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRALTOCLARINET = "5a1020cd-f0ce-45e8-bc99-49fbf5f6890f"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSCLARINET = "40d3efff-30c3-4fd7-b830-03907360feed"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRABASSCLARINET = "7724f2be-b200-4404-bc08-4ef719a1373c"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSOON = "ec6fcc9b-d539-4a4a-a677-92a37298fec1"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRABASSOON = "0d158020-9bf8-4d56-b62c-a6f0bf5f4ccf"
static const char * FFUUID_WINDSECTION = "0a798583-8a07-42c3-a6c1-c0e6c5cc622b"
static const char * FFUUID_SOPRANOSAX = "ef0f2594-d57b-4cac-b351-f2f906538424"
static const char * FFUUID_ALTOSAX = "4cb4cfa1-0b19-4053-8bf5-6b2cb0a2363b"
static const char * FFUUID_TENORSAX = "7093ddd4-385c-481d-ab3d-39f03bc03b19"
static const char * FFUUID_BARITONESAX = "8f767980-0718-4154-a312-20f458ee2096"
static const char * FFUUID_SOPRANORECORDER = "0057fd7f-aba1-4149-97b5-98fe8ca28993"
static const char * FFUUID_SOPRANINORECORDER = "52559fd3-bb96-403f-97d3-b1f2c5c2f468"
static const char * FFUUID_ALTORECORDER = "6b43616e-06ad-4397-9ca5-889dcbda20a9"
static const char * FFUUID_TENORRECORDER = "7c64b00d-cbd1-45a4-9969-77335de7f99c"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSRECORDER = "ed544580-e477-410b-a54d-dbb14edbb31e"
static const char * FFUUID_DESCANTRECORDER = "56470843-614b-4bbd-bb83-bf928bb10d7d"
static const char * FFUUID_OCARINA = "b0330079-36e9-4f3a-8b2e-e1e3432292fe"
static const char * FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLE = "37bb50bc-04fb-494c-8d52-942149b0e757"
static const char * FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLED = "54b39327-75aa-417b-a4d3-70bd5be2be9c"
static const char * FFUUID_PENNYWHISTLEG = "c94c25b2-83fa-44c3-8ba6-a218d6e12eca"
static const char * FFUUID_LOWIRISHWHISTLE = "dd31d2dc-cca6-489e-98ae-7447584b7ce9"
static const char * FFUUID_TINWHISTLEBFLAT = "c2853206-ce69-4670-94e6-095278d7eca9"
static const char * FFUUID_HARMONICA = "59b8b559-24c6-4ef0-8e67-8dcf4e1708fb"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSHARMONICA = "941ded93-3dc2-41cb-85d0-4c033988caef"
static const char * FFUUID_CONCERTINA = "cc65d11c-9cfc-46ed-ba60-cf9ec7bee3d5"
static const char * FFUUID_BANDONEON = "3320f54a-d594-438c-b276-6ac67d3d26b0"
static const char * FFUUID_HORNF_WWQUINTET = "6cc5f057-3980-4562-b9a4-257403d17e96"
static const char * FFUUID_BAGPIPES = "85399b62-95db-463e-abaf-da5f8405d57f"
static const char * FFUUID_UILLEANNPIPES = "62a9c9ce-4379-4a58-9f80-2818b66774b4"
static const char * FFUUID_GAIDAPIPES = "0bef0abc-85a3-4f5f-940a-3a9cfc7c128b"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRAALTOFLUTE = "9efb024e-88cb-4d91-97c8-1b84bc85185e"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSFLUTE = "b15ed58a-8c7d-487b-b54a-049f52b0a264"
static const char * FFUUID_CONTRABASSFLUTE = "76326fd2-1a85-4620-9696-2b4b8d6e8f63"
static const char * FFUUID_DOUBLECONTRABASSFLUTE = "1b7dc77e-17ef-4a7f-80d7-01b8eb47aef5"
static const char * FFUUID_HYPERBASSFLUTE = "4413d227-8660-45ff-beb1-584161ccbf7e"
static const char * FFUUID_PANPIPES = "a8bd8c3b-577d-4812-b500-f76b3cf9ab2b"
static const char * FFUUID_FIFE = "54ebe5da-7965-4829-b919-b21841ffd05a"
static const char * FFUUID_BOTTLEBLOW = "9fc11d96-9d40-4c07-8135-d6178c1548fe"
static const char * FFUUID_JUG = "1799027e-dfff-49f9-a637-03b3db915e9f"
static const char * FFUUID_PICCOLOOBOE = "f5424bcc-295a-4763-9c4c-52cbaa5356ea"
static const char * FFUUID_PICCOLOHECKELPHONE = "9b97fd4a-5e7d-45ec-a85f-00304efa6fd3"
static const char * FFUUID_HECKELPHONE = "944e0d72-f13a-43e3-985d-272b12776c8a"
static const char * FFUUID_BASSOBOE = "99f375d2-da09-4eac-aa7c-11bc0df567f3"
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static const char * FFUUID_CHABARA = "212255a2-6a02-4416-be8c-37457d2f9ae2"
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static const char * FFUUID_CHIMTA = "f6c1d0e5-e207-404b-8bfc-114296d61763"
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static const char * FFUUID_CHINESECYMBALS = "4374eeae-6f31-469f-a0f0-3d389a1d8234"
static const char * FFUUID_CHINESEGONGS = "24356658-bf82-4e95-8365-34cafc677e0f"
static const char * FFUUID_CHINESEPERCUSSIONENSEMBLE = "1da58bd6-ebd4-43c2-8e26-e0476aedf9c6"
static const char * FFUUID_CHING = "581059ef-57fa-48c0-89f2-bc843047476e"
static const char * FFUUID_CHIPPLI = "84398568-363c-433e-82e4-348490ecc3c4"
static const char * FFUUID_DAFF = "bc469d9c-f499-4714-aee3-40ae8f19cd55"
static const char * FFUUID_DAFLI = "6273fbe8-0f9f-423a-9a5f-f513bab3b20b"
static const char * FFUUID_DAWURO = "80cb13ed-f144-4426-9677-de5e9f949363"
static const char * FFUUID_DEF = "49e7851b-adef-4a82-8d4c-31ee9681f66a"
static const char * FFUUID_DOIRA = "1e3f9946-dba3-4864-a004-bcebcebaf84a"
static const char * FFUUID_EWEDRUMATOKE = "e0fd2f0f-a398-446a-accf-60f42416a719"
static const char * FFUUID_EWEDRUMAXATSE = "535f2ee9-846b-4d5d-b375-7fd513e3500c"
static const char * FFUUID_EWEDRUMGANGOKUI = "6ffc2237-7d6d-43b6-beff-d6cd492ae9c8"
static const char * FFUUID_FLEXATONE_PERC = "86a0dbdf-3c84-4add-b8c0-464eb9003a69"
static const char * FFUUID_GANDINGAN = "e98ccb19-0178-485f-90c0-f134a8fe5841"
static const char * FFUUID_GANZA = "88215348-7b83-4522-bcc7-68b5aaebebcf"
static const char * FFUUID_GHATAM = "f0ecc0f9-7862-4304-a8e4-262b46e9049b"
static const char * FFUUID_GHUNGROO = "a80d5310-b1d0-4642-9e45-08c072028444"
static const char * FFUUID_GOME = "4c9e9269-c014-4467-aa97-6b60172ac701"
static const char * FFUUID_GUBAN = "bd46bd5e-16a0-40d1-bad2-ea5680ee585f"
static const char * FFUUID_HANDCYMBAL = "950b7f44-1fd3-451a-831c-e66d4944bf44"
static const char * FFUUID_HANG = "41968e98-a916-4cc0-817b-fc4c39befa51"
static const char * FFUUID_HATHELI = "50804279-39f4-4dd0-b8e3-392950d6587d"
static const char * FFUUID_HOSHO = "f4e6e4dc-030d-4ace-9548-6821e90e4553"
static const char * FFUUID_HYOUSHIGI = "3efb5b5f-e0fd-4814-8386-9cfb2bc57020"
static const char * FFUUID_IBO = "3450e084-0952-4e16-9c35-0c37732f9b5f"
static const char * FFUUID_INDIANGONG = "72e3b743-fe70-4748-b888-0ed6099c25f8"
static const char * FFUUID_IPU = "eb3126e3-659f-49c1-bd84-c38d32980256"
static const char * FFUUID_JAWBONE = "b87bb002-1bdf-44c9-b8a6-dcbcb07ef73d"
static const char * FFUUID_KAEKEEKE = "64b61662-f6b0-479d-917e-23cc12e81922"
static const char * FFUUID_KAGUL = "0d348566-292f-4457-8d4e-24294742dc47"
static const char * FFUUID_KALAAU = "94e1a66f-1baa-4d64-a03f-25f5cc34dc35"
static const char * FFUUID_KASHIKLAR = "360cff2c-cee0-4fa1-a049-91c87a318348"
static const char * FFUUID_KESI = "515e74a1-0f6e-4cf6-a904-589e34676fea"
static const char * FFUUID_KHARTAL = "db43d176-446d-4500-ad9e-da15577f3c6e"
static const char * FFUUID_KKWAENGGWARI = "eb190c98-d799-48e4-8d77-b69b78f5c4d6"
static const char * FFUUID_KPOKOKPOKO = "6288a051-dd88-4ff2-aafd-7871d9665b22"
static const char * FFUUID_KRINSLITDRUM = "1a47d8b9-5f4d-4f0e-81b0-670bc3c02113"
static const char * FFUUID_LAVASTONES = "e234cf01-adce-46b3-8ea2-3bbaad459953"
static const char * FFUUID_LUOGONG = "3585b4c8-bac9-452a-b5a4-cb8bd8ce887f"
static const char * FFUUID_MANJEERA = "5eea74d5-bc25-4257-911c-ca0c2b432aa8"
static const char * FFUUID_PANCLAPPERS = "1ed902ac-d3d2-4f1f-a961-237400996ea8"
static const char * FFUUID_PATSCHEN = "25034241-d9b2-4c08-96d4-fdf267f217c5"
static const char * FFUUID_RATTLECOG = "d25d39ea-5c5b-4785-85fc-61c6c6359ac3"
static const char * FFUUID_RIQ = "1b88998b-88f1-4523-baaa-cc632a35dbdc"
static const char * FFUUID_SHEKERE = "15281c38-e3a9-4087-b674-a448e20b2600"
static const char * FFUUID_SISTRE = "6f823de8-b971-4ffd-8869-2fdfc2391860"
static const char * FFUUID_SISTRUM = "6968b0bd-2f1b-4d33-b365-b95d2e76a4cf"
static const char * FFUUID_SLIDEWHISTLE_PERCCLEF = "e0e54746-94f8-4daf-a97d-d0c83f60ee22"
static const char * FFUUID_SLITDRUM = "92251af7-b395-44c3-a1f8-67d6b81b1e48"
static const char * FFUUID_SNAP = "354bd88b-0ddd-42d3-a451-1b2741a2631c"
static const char * FFUUID_STAMP = "72299f8e-8ad3-4ec8-9ca4-b33d1632fe3f"
static const char * FFUUID_STIRDRUM = "39a19cd7-59f4-44db-8491-f2faebcf5891"
static const char * FFUUID_TEBYOSHI = "f2fa4052-1ec9-4095-8152-267e468f8f8a"
static const char * FFUUID_TELEVI = "6d226f46-3a93-4926-87c5-fb721b7b36df"
static const char * FFUUID_TEPONAXTLI = "78d475c3-fe32-4bcf-9f5b-a2e43a5aa107"
static const char * FFUUID_THAIGONG = "e16a3a94-a372-4b9d-8eef-90fe388697cb"
static const char * FFUUID_TIBETANCYMBALS = "e010f505-dedf-4e73-915c-4b414998fd1b"
static const char * FFUUID_TICTOCBLOCK = "f2d76def-ecd6-4835-8061-11af1fa42d28"
static const char * FFUUID_TIMBALEBELL = "2c13efbd-a8dd-4cfe-a064-fb7060a2d983"
static const char * FFUUID_TINAJA = "e6a5d781-821e-48aa-aeae-26ea8427580e"
static const char * FFUUID_TINGSHA = "71165815-e46a-479d-a0db-38d1b9dcf0af"
static const char * FFUUID_TOERE = "824793c3-fd68-41b7-9dc7-b21e27abdb75"
static const char * FFUUID_TONETANG = "85076645-1553-4b7e-9a5f-c20d1d48323b"
static const char * FFUUID_TRYCHEL = "0f664fec-fc69-4638-aea7-850ebde17591"
static const char * FFUUID_UDU = "c6c172fe-b04f-4d5e-bd02-0d98b8b00bab"
static const char * FFUUID_ZILLS = "3150178c-160e-43d6-b55c-d0ac6da44c6d"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from __FCBaseData
virtual void * Allocate ()=0
virtual void Deallocate ()
virtual bool IsDynamicSize ()
bool LoadDataBlock ()
 Loads the data. If the object is of dynamic size, the old memory block is freed and a new is allocated.
void ClearData ()
virtual twobyte CalcLastInci ()
 For internal use only! More...
virtual __FCBaseDataCreateObject ()=0
 Creates a new instance of the object. More...
bool DataIsLoaded () const
 Returns true is any data has been loaded into the object. More...
void _TagDocumentID ()
 For internal use only. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from __FCBaseData
EDOCID _connecteddocID
 The "connected" document ID., which is the document the where the document was loaded (or last saved). This is for a mechanism to prevent resaving of certain data in other documents.
void * _datablock
 Pointer to the object's data block, the meaning is implementation-specific for each derived subclass.
bool _heapdatablock
 Variable that tells if _datablock is dynamically created on the heap (and should be deleted at object destruction).
int _loadedsize
 Loaded size of the data block for a loaded object, in bytes. Since the datablock is implementation-specific, the _loadedsize should be updated by child classes that create new data. More...
EDataID _dataid
 The EdataID for the last loaded/saved object.

Detailed Description

The class for a staff in the score. It is also a base class for staff styles.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FCStaff::FCStaff ( )

The constructor.


Member Function Documentation

int FCStaff::CalcPercussionLayoutID ( )

Calculates the percussion layout ID for the staff or staff style.

Use FCPercussionLayoutNotes or FCPercussionLayoutNote classes to load the percussion layout data.


-1 if a percussion layout isn't connected. Otherwise, the ID used for loading the percussion layout data.
virtual const char* FCStaff::ClassName ( )

Returns the name of the class, for diagnostic purposes. This method MUST be overwritten in each child class.


Reimplemented from __FCNoInciOther.

Reimplemented in FCCurrentStaffSpec.

FCFretInstrumentDef * FCStaff::CreateFretInstrumentDef ( )

Creates a FCFretInstrumentDef object for the connected tablature instrument. Might return NULL if there is no connected fret instrument.


FCInstrumentPlaybackData * FCStaff::CreateInstrumentPlaybackData ( )

Creates a FCInstrumentPlaybackData object for the staff.

It's the caller's responsibility to delete the created object from the heap after use.

FCInstrumentDef * FCStaff::CreateLayerInstrumentDef ( int  layer)

Creates the instrument definition object for the staff or staff style.

Might return NULL on internal mapping errors (or if the layer is out of range).

It's the caller's responsibility to delete the created object from the heap after use.

layerThe 1-based layer number.
FCPercussionStaff * FCStaff::CreatePercussionStaff ( )

Creates a percussion staff (or staff style) object, if the staff is set to percussion.

This method might return NULL!

It's the caller's responsibility to delete the created object from the heap after use.

NULL if there was no percussion staff to load. Otherwise, a pointer to the created object.
virtual void FCStaff::DebugDump ( )

Outputs the class data/information for debugging purposes.

Accessible if PDK_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG is defined.

When child class inherit this method to output the contents of its own members, it should call the parent before providing its own output.

Reimplemented from __FCNoInciOther.

FCStaffNamePosition * FCStaff::GetAbbreviatedNamePosition ( )

Gets the name position object for the abbreviated staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class.

The returned object is saved automatically through FCStaff:Save()

Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS defined.

virtual const PDKFRAMEWORK_CLASSID FCStaff::GetClassID ( )

Returns the internal class ID for the PDK Framework class. This is implemented mostly because Lua has problems to resolve the true classes of inherited objects.

This method must be overwritten by all child classes.


Implements __FCBaseData.

FCStaffNamePosition * FCStaff::GetFullNamePosition ( )

Gets the name position object for the full staff name. The object is of the FCStaffNamePosition class.

The returned object is saved automatically through FCStaff:Save()

Requires PDK_FRAMEWORK_PREFS defined.

bool FCStaff::SavePercussionLayout ( int  layoutID,
int  mapID 

Sets up and saves a percussion staff. The supplied percussion layout ID will be used. Please note that the FCStaff object must be saved afterwards as well.

layoutIDAn existing percussion layout ID.
mapIDAn existing percussion map ID (for playback mapping of the percussion). All layers will be set mapped to this value.
true on success.